Category Archives: Courage

Let It Rest












The word I’ve been thinking about this week is fallow.  Generally we think of leaving a field fallow; it is plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a time to restore its fertility as a part  of crop rotation.  Leaving a piece of ground  fallow will also reduce the risk of disease or parasite transmission.  I experienced it this week in the form of people that came into my presence who are in need of rest after experiencing long seasons  of growth along with storms and other challenges; I noticed a garden area in my neighborhood that after 3 years of “nothing” seems to be sprouting new growth in our very premature warm spring. Some might recall that I didn’t send out a blog last week … my creative energies have been fallow after several months of learning,doing,scheduling,adjusting,recovering and so on.

The interesting thing about a fallow field is that it’s plowed and ready to do what “it” does; but it is intentionally not sown with new seed; its taking a break from providing a new yield at harvest.

What could you leave unsown in your life  in this season that will allow you to experience rest and restoration ?  What do you need to say no to be able to say yes to a fallow field or two ?


Also posted in Insight, Letting Go, Seasons Tagged , , , |

“To every thing there is a season …









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“To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven …” the writer of Ecclesiastes tells us in the First Testament.

This week brought news of  changes in season for several people of my acquaintance.  A young seemingly healthy man and his family were confronted with a serious health challenge which will extend into several seasons; another is pondering what next regarding career changes; a third is facing continued tension over several seasons regarding past financial challenges.

My wish for them and all of us who are navigating new seasons, is that we remember to be encouraged by the beautiful and familiar that is always with us.  Light in the midst of winter’s darkness; hope that the melting ice brings water for the new growth in the spring; and most of all the love of creator,redeemer ,sustainer, and  family and friends to hold us  in their hearts  as we  courageously blaze new trails  yet unknown .




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