Category Archives: Letting Go

Just Function

©IBKimage 2010











There are people that bring a smile to your face every time you think of them.  The moments in time that you are privileged to spend with them in the various seasons of your life, leave an indelible imprint on your life and heart.  One such person is someone whom I’ve rarely spent time with in person because of geographic distances over the years, but every now and then we schedule a “visit” and spend about an hour  on the phone, entering each other’s lives and “catching up” about where we left off the time before.  Almost 40 years later I’m still aware of a time when she gave me the gift of a wonderful collection of words that came from such a conversation.  I’m always challenged by them.


“The challenge is to not ‘over-function’ or ‘under-function’ but just function.”  What a wonderful antidote to the ubiquitous “perfect” that we are bombarded with every day , from the mouths of many in numerous contexts and our own “perfecto meters”.  The outcropping in today’s image has been functioning for  thousands of years, shaped by the elements, marked with upheaval,and gracing us with its particular shape and texture of rich and royal hues.

Could we just function today and celebrate the moment … or alternatively, just muddle through?







Also posted in Insight Tagged , , , |

Letting Go

Happy New Year!

I’m getting ready to attend a photography conference of the Professional Photographers Assn. (PPA) later this month in New Orleans . I’m a bit intimidated.    One of the opportunities at the event is to present 12 photos for critique by professional judges.

Today I opened my  5 star (best) photo folder of the last three years and started to flag some candidates for the event. To my amazement I found many photos that were blurry, too busy, out of focus, and just plain poor composition.  I deleted most of them and now have a much stronger collection.  Somewhere along the way in the last three years of taking photos, classes, and online tutorials and letting go of other things to focus on photography, I got better.  See images below. (Thank you all my teachers and photo friends)

One of the challenges in the frenetic paces that we often choose so matter of “factly” is that we’re now faced with endless opportunity to be “on” and  connected to all kinds of great things – but they may not be the best things for who we desire to authentically be.

As you look back on the year just passed what is it that you might choose to let go of this year that will allow you to move in some area from good to better or best.  Hint, you might have to delete a lot of good and better … and it might involve relationships as well as things.


PS I had to let go of remembering how to put the good and best image first in this weeks blog.  🙂


©IBKimage 2011

Also posted in Authenticity, New Beginning, Seeing In New Ways Tagged , , , |

Light on a Snowy Night















Waking up from a sound sleep at 2:49 a.m. on FRIDAY morning  I realized that I had forgotten to post my Thursday evening blog. The internal judgment engine “started right up”… “this is just your fourth blog and you’ve already forgotten”  … and then I turned it right off.

I had been out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday. On the Tuesday after, I loaded up the car with two people’s luggage and assorted bags,remaining items from my mom effects that had not been moved before, and drove 550 miles in one day; unpacked all previously mentioned;  restocked the electronics to their charging stations; picked up the held mail; opened a piece of mail containing a check; deposited same; drove to a favorite restaurant for much needed nourishment; (pantry pared down to zero before leaving on trip) and so on, all before 6:00 p.m to “beat the rush”… For the next two days I found myself making poor decisions, losing things, massaging aches and pains, spending twice as long doing things and so on.

You’ve all had your unique versions of my tale.  Oh, and did I mention I forgot to post my Thursday night blog … ?

The solution for me was to discover some light at the end of the tunnel on this beautiful snowy day that I had “slogged” through with my non-stop activity.  What I found in today’s image is that there is sometimes light “in the tunnel” that finally moves us beyond ourselves and our proudly worn busyness.  What light is showing up for you today ?








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