It’s Your Turn












My purpose for writing this blog is to offer insight and encouragement during life’s transitions.   I know that many of you reading this blog have experienced many transitions this year.  You’ve moved; changed jobs; lost jobs; are looking for jobs; had babies, are expecting babies; had cancer; are recovering from cancer;  became grandparents, aunts, and uncles; bought homes; sold homes; got engaged, got married; ended relationships; found yourself; learned to live with a chronic illness ; made commitments, broken commitments; lost friends and family members; made new friends;  and so on.  In short you’ve been confronted with or have chosen to take a look at yourself in a new way because of these transitions.

As you can see in today’s image, I’ve been out in the field this week looking for images that tell a story about our transitions and how we “are in them”. I’d like you to finish this blog by sharing some insights about what you’ve learned in your own transitions.  A brief example:  I’ve learned that :  I don’t have to fill in the blanks and force the  answer but can wait to discover the answer when it comes.  My niece taught me just last week that:  “You don’t have to own that” … i.e. that’s not yours to do …

I will use some of your comments (pithy please) in next weeks blog to offer insight and encouragement.  (your identity will not be revealed)





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  1. Cheryl Gadeken January 18, 2013 at 6:24 am #

    I’ve learned that I need to do the best I can each day, be thankful for the people God has given me to help me along the way, and trust in God to take care of the daily and long-term concerns.

  2. Barbara Hemphill January 18, 2013 at 7:36 am #

    When I feel overwhelmed,often the best thing I can do is get some sleep. God often provides an answer in my sleep, or the patience to wait until he does.

  3. Nancy Haberstich January 18, 2013 at 9:17 am #

    I ask the question: “How does it get better than this?” and “WHat else is possible?”. Then I DON’T answer – just remain quiet. I let God /the Universe answer.

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